Category Archives: CT-Effects

Applying a liquid solution to a copper twisting machine – CT-Effects Application Example

Changing an air cylinder to ROBO Cylinder improved the cycle time for the solution application process.

Papers /Films/Wires/Building Materials
Changing an air cylinder to ROBO Cylinder improved the cycle time for the solution application process – CT-Effects Application Example
[ Actuator ]


  • [Issues until now]
    – Air Cylinders were used to move the syringe to apply solution to the copper wires.
    – Uneven amounts of solution were supplied to the felt when low speeds caused instability.
    – In an attempt to fix the unevenness, the discharge amount was increased but became excessive. This caused failures that led to Choco Tei* in the process.

* Choco Tei = Stopping for a brief period, Idling in production line.
See brief video description.

  • [Improvement Details]
    The ROBO Cylinder stabilized the movement of the syringe and fixed the unevenness.
  • [Improvement Results]
    – Saved the amount of solution used
    – Eliminated Choco Tei in the process

    Cycle Time Improved:
    7sec →5sec

    Choco Tei Reduced:
    30min/day →zero

See more IAI electric actuator application examples

Cleaning cardboard printers with a pull-in roller- CT-Effects Application Example

Production has increased by motorizing the cleaning of cardboard printers with a pull-in roller

Cleaning cardboard printers with a pull-in roller – CT-Effects Application Example
[ Actuator ]
ISWA-L (Dust proof Splash-Proof Single-Axis Robot Slider Type)


  • [Issues until now]
    Since the brushing was done by hand, the following issues occurred in the cleaning process

    1) Incomplete cleaning due to the unevenness in the speed of the stroke of the brush
    2) Incomplete cleaning due to the unevenness in the strength of the stroke of the brush.

    Since the brushing was repeated numerous times until the printer was completely clean, a lot of time was spent on the cleaning process.

  • [Improvement Details]
    The unevenness in the cleaning process was fixed by moving the brush at a constant speed. (The touch of the brush to the machine was also stabilized)
  • [Improvement Results]
    The efficiency of the brushing process improved and the cleaning time became shorter.

    Reduction in cleaning time (per day):
    Reduced from 60min →10min

    Production Time (per day):
    12% increase from 420min →470min

See more IAI electric actuator application examples

Cutting Cords to Variable Specified Lengths – CT-Effects Application Example

Motorizing the feed process increased production, and significantly lowered electricity and labor costs.

Papers/Films/Wires/Building Materials
Cutting Cords to Variable Specified Lengths – CT-Effects Application Example
[ Robot/Electric Actuators ]


  • [Issues until now]

    – Air cylinders were used to feed a cord to a specified length.

    – It took time to manually adjust the stopper position each time the product type was changed. (About 5 minutes per changeover = 1 hour/day)

    – It was difficult to cut the correct length, causing workers to repeatedly inspect and adjust the cutting.

  • [Improved with Motorization]

    – Manually adjusting the stopper position was totally eliminated. Adjustments are now done by entering the feed amount on a touch panel. Manual changeovers are a thing of the past.

    – Using a value command function in the ROBO Cylinder made it easy to cut lengths of specified varieties. The manual labor for adjustments was significantly reduced.

    [Improvement Results]

    – Production was increased from 7 hours per day to 8 hours.

    – Reducing the number of steps also reduced labor costs.

Reduced man-hours needed for:
– changeover time: 60 minutes/day
– cut inspection and adjustment time: 120 minutes/day
→ Total of 3 hours/day
(Annual Example)
– Labor Time of 3 hours/day (times 250 days/year)
– 3 hours X $10 X 250 days
If labor costs $10/hour
→ Annual Savings of $7,500

*Exchange Rate: 1(USD)=100(Japanese Yen)

Electricity costs reduced with motorization

(Example) Work load: 3kg, Moving distance: 200m
Cycle time: 3 sec. One-day running time: 8 hours

Annual operation days: 250 days
Unit Price: (Air) $0.24/m3 (Electric) $0.15/KWH

〈 Annual Electricity Costs 〉Approximately 95% reduced
Air Cylinder$117.67/year
(Cylinder inner diameter φ25mm)
Electric Cylinder$5.67/year

See more IAI electric actuator application examples

Continuity Inspection Tool – CT-Effects Application Example

Labor Cost Reduction$9,000/year

One operator
*Labor $18.00/hour 8 hours/day
*Overtime work 2 hours
*250 operational days/year

*Exchange Rate: 1(USD)=100(Japanese Yen)


Electronic Components 
Continuity Inspection Tool – CT-Effects Application Example
[ Robot/Electric Actuators ]
[ Controllers ]


  • [Equipment Detail]

    It is a continuity inspection tool used for a PC extension board manufacturer.

    An air cylinder is used in this application to insert an edge connector on a PC board.

    An operator loads and unloads a PC board to the air cylinder manually.


  • [Problems in Using an Air Cylinder]

    Since you can’t change speed with air cylinders, you will need to move the entire stroke at the same speed to insert the PC board to the inspection tool. The cycle time is 15 seconds, and the number of work pieces that can be inspected in an 8 hour work day was 1,920 pieces *1.

    Management decided to increase the production volume of the PC boards to 2,400 pieces per 8 hour shift and to accomplish this, 2 hours *2 of over time per day was required.

    *1 (8 * 60 * 60) seconds/ 15 seconds/ piece

    *2 (2,400 – 1,920) pieces * 15 seconds/ piece


    [Benefits of Replacing with ROBO Cylinder]

    By switching to ROBO Cylinder, this enables them to move at high speed before insertion and then slow down just before the insertion, which lead to a shorter cycle time of 12 seconds. 

    It is now able to finish inspection within the operational hours. Also the reduction of labor cost for overtime work was accomplished.

    The cost spent to replace the cylinder was retrieved in the 1st year, which resulted in a cost reduction of $9,000 from the 2nd year.


[CT Effects – Reduction in Cycle Time/Choco Tei]


Subject Equipment with Air Cylinder Equipment with the ROBO Cylinder
Cycle Time 15 seconds 12 seconds


See more IAI electric actuator application examples