Applying a liquid solution to a copper twisting machine – CT-Effects Application Example

Changing an air cylinder to ROBO Cylinder improved the cycle time for the solution application process.

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Changing an air cylinder to ROBO Cylinder improved the cycle time for the solution application process – CT-Effects Application Example
[ Actuator ]


  • [Issues until now]
    – Air Cylinders were used to move the syringe to apply solution to the copper wires.
    – Uneven amounts of solution were supplied to the felt when low speeds caused instability.
    – In an attempt to fix the unevenness, the discharge amount was increased but became excessive. This caused failures that led to Choco Tei* in the process.

* Choco Tei = Stopping for a brief period, Idling in production line.
See brief video description.

  • [Improvement Details]
    The ROBO Cylinder stabilized the movement of the syringe and fixed the unevenness.
  • [Improvement Results]
    – Saved the amount of solution used
    – Eliminated Choco Tei in the process

    Cycle Time Improved:
    7sec →5sec

    Choco Tei Reduced:
    30min/day →zero

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